What is the right angle for a solar panel? Is direction important while setting up solar panels?

To maximize electricity output and save money, position your solar panels perpendicular to the sun during peak hours. The angle of your solar panels varies according to where you are in the world. Solar panels generate the most electricity when they are directly exposed to the sun. The sun moves across the sky, looking lower or higher depending on the time of day and season. As a result, the optimal angle is never consistent. To ensure that the panels get the most sunlight during the day, you must choose the direction they should face.

    • Where you live

    • What time of the year you need the most solar energy

What time of year do you most need solar energy ?  According to the study, the ideal angle or direction for installation is the home’s latitude from north to south, which determines the direction and angle of the solar panels, which are typically inclined at a 30-45-degree angle. The optimal tilt angle for a solar panel varies by projects and region; however, in India, the south is the best direction.

It is also important to identify any areas that are concealed by shade.

This blog will address shadow issues on rooftops, examine the implications of the optimal tilt angle for solar panels, explain why solar panel angle and direction are critical in India, and assess the factors that affect panel angle.

What are the best solar panel directions and angles in India ?

India is in the northern hemisphere, so windows, doors, and walls facing south receive the most sunlight. Solar panels should be pointed south for the highest efficiency.

However, not all sections of the country get the exact same quantity of sunlight. Although facing south is usually the best orientation for solar panels, each site has an alternate solar panel angle.

For example, in the south, the optimal solar panel inclination angle is around 10 degrees, whereas in the north, it is more acceptable to use 20 degrees. Yet, the right tilt angle will be determined by the site’s longitudinal location and latitude. 

Factors That Affect Solar Panel Angle

The angle of your solar panels affects how much sunlight they can capture, and impacts the amount of energy generated. Here are the key elements affecting solar panel angle:

1. Geographic location.

Because northern India has a higher latitude, solar panels should be set at a steeper angle to capture the most sunlight, particularly during the winter. Southern India, on the other hand, requires a flatter tilt to maximize solar gain throughout the year due to its lower latitude.

2. Wind load.

Installing panels at a higher angle in high-wind areas may increase the chance of wind-related damage. This risk requires careful consideration of local weather patterns, as well as an effective mounting structure to ensure stability and durability.

3. Seasonal shifts.

To maximize efficiency year-round, line your tilt angle with the sun’s equatorial position. Any change in orientation can lead to an uneven output.

4. Shading issues.

Shadows cast by close objects, such as trees, buildings, or other structures, may decrease the effectiveness of your solar panels. To prevent shading issues, the angle and direction of the solar panels must be carefully studied.

The Effect of Angle on Solar Panel Efficiency

A higher solar panel tilt angle in northern states could boost efficiency and power generation for the entire rooftop solar system, but there is a catch. Wind pressure on the panels increases with tilt angle due to increased winds in particular areas. 

The solution to this problem is using stronger mounting structures. While this may increase the final installation cost by approximately five percent, there is a 20% higher probability that you will not have a solid framework that can withstand strong winds and safeguard your investment.

Inadequate structural support can cause panels and structures to be damaged, uprooted, or destroyed during strong winds or storms. Repairs and replacements may wind up costing more than the electricity bill savings.

Why is the angle of a solar panel important ?

The fundamental idea of solar panels is that photons in sunlight are transformed into energy by solar cells. When panels are placed perpendicular to the sun, they capture more solar energy and convert it to electricity.  Although optimal orientation increases photon absorption, seasonal variations may still affect performance.

Uncontrollable weather conditions might lower electricity generation even with the ideal panel angle. For instance, throughout the monsoon season The amount of electricity generated may decrease during cloudy seasons. Similar to this, clouds can lessen the quantity of sunlight that reaches the panels during the winter, particularly in places that are snow-covered.

Resolving Shadow Concerns on the Rooftop.

Imagine rising your solar panels on your roof at the correct angle and orientation, only to discover that they are covered by trees or other obstacles. Before installing solar panels, your vendor ought to inspect your rooftop for possible shadow places over a 12-year period to ensure that the system is properly built.

Keep in mind that each kilowatt requires approximately 100 square feet of shadow-free space. If you have a small rooftop and have concerns about shadows, it is essential to consult with a solar specialist to determine the best solution.

Choose the Proper Solar at the Proper Angle for Setup

Now that you know how important solar panel direction and angle are, you need to ask your solar vendor what the ideal rooftop solar angle is.

As previously said, some solar retailers consider installing solar panels on rooftops as a simple masonry activity that can be completed by prevalent personnel. Yet, engineering is considerably harder.

Umangot Solar takes the following steps to make sure your rooftop solar system works as efficiently as possible:

1. Analysis of shadows

After you book a consultation, one of our solar specialists will evaluate your rooftop for potential shadow locations and assess how much space is available without shadows. We also utilize our experienced gadgets to figure out whether your home faces north or south.

2. Set up solid mounting frameworks.

Given how frequently storms happen We created WindPro MountTM, India’s strongest and safest rooftop solar structure, which is capable of withstanding wind gusts of up to 180 kmph. This protects your investment even during the most severe storms by lowering the safety concerns related to substandard and inadequately constructed solar systems.

Switch to Umangot solar immediately to profit from specific solar’s ability to maximize savings.


Q1. Is the angle of a solar panel important ?

Yes. Yes, your rooftop solar system’s effectiveness is determined by the angle of the solar panels. Solar cells collect the most photons from sunlight when panels are oriented southward and positioned perpendicular to the sun. This increases electricity production and lowers your expenses considerably. Furthermore, the rooftop solar system’s resistance to local wind speeds is also influenced by the tilt angle.

Q2. In India, what angle is ideal for solar panel installation ?

In India, the ideal angle is roughly 10 degrees for the south and 20 degrees for the higher-altitude north.

Q3. In India, which direction is ideal for solar energy ?

Yes. In India, the correct south direction optimizes efficiency and solar exposure.